[Video Games…]

Maybe I should start by saying how not only cool and awesome this animation is, but also how appreciative I was of the fact that Musclebeaver featured Guybrush Threepwood, Lechuck and other characters from the classic Monkey Island series; one of my favorite and most enjoyed game series of all time (which was recently revived).

Other gaming titles and characters such as Super Mario Bros, Doom, Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft, Pong, Pac Man, and Space Invaders are featured in the animation as well. Check out the video below…

[Video Games…]

MSLBVR 2008 (c): “This animation we did was planned and animated for the prologue of a documentary. (That explains the absurd, unfinished seeming, ending.That is where the actual documentary starts…. ) The briefing was to show an evolution of computer games. The documentary itself is about different people, based here in germany, showing their everyday life, and their addiction to the same specific, famous MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game):”WoW..”. Every game character in this prologue was reinterpreted, redrawn (…one pixel at a time), and animated frame by frame.

Animation: musclebeaver.com
Sound by: nichtvonpappe-platten.de

“I think I fall in love with at least 3 strangers everyday…” – Kev